Farzad Kamalabadi

Farzad Kamalabadi
Farzad Kamalabadi
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
(217) 333-4406
320 Coordinated Science Lab

Academic Positions

  • Professor, UIUC, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2011-present; Associate Professor, 2006-2011; Assistant Professor, 2000-2006
  • Affiliate Professor, Department of Statistics
  • Invited Visiting Professor, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2009-2010

Research Interests

  • Remote sensing and imaging
  • Signal and image processing
  • Computational imaging and Inverse problems
  • Statistical learning and inference
  • Space physics

Research Areas

  • Remote Sensing and Space Science
  • Signals, Inference and Networks

Chapters in Books

  • Figen S. Oktem, Liang Gao, Farzad Kamalabadi, "Computational Spectral and Ultrafast Imaging via Convex Optimization", in V. Monga (ed.), Handbook of Convex Optimization Methods in Imaging Science, Springer International Publishing, 2017.

Selected Articles in Journals

  • Jamila S Taaki, Athol J Kemball, Farzad Kamalabadi, "Robust Detrending of Spatially Correlated Systematics in Kepler Light Curves Using Low-rank Methods", The Astronomical Journal, 167(2), 2024.
  • Parisa Karimi, Mark D. Butala, Zhizhen Zhao, Farzad Kamalabadi, “Efficient Model Selection in Switching Linear Dynamic Systems by Graph Clustering”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2022.
  • Parisa Karimi, Zhizhen Zhao, Mark D. Butala, Farzad Kamalabadi, "Quantification of mismatch error in randomly switching linear state-space models", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2021
  • Figen Oktem, Oguzhan Kar, Can Bezek, Farzad Kamalabadi, "High-resolution multi-spectral imaging with diffractive lenses and learned reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2021.
  • Helmuth Naumer and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Estimation of Linear Space-Invariant Dynamics", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 27, 2020
  • Jamila S. Taaki, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Athol J. Kemball, "Bayesian Methods for Joint Exoplanet Transit Detection and Systematic Noise Characterization", The Astronomical Journal, 159:283, 2020
  • Joseph M. Davila, Figen S. Oktem, Farzad Kamalabadi, "Slitless Solar Imaging Spectroscopy", The Astrophysical Journal, 2019.
  • G. Cucho‐Padin, Y. Wang, E. Li, L. Waldrop, Z. Tian, F. Kamalabadi, P. Perillat, "Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Mitigation using Compressive Statistical Sensing", Radio Science, 2019.
  • Figen S. Oktem, Farzad Kamalabadi, Joseph M. Davila, "Analytical Fresnel imaging models for photon sieves", Optics Express, Vol. 26, Issue 24, 2018.
  • Matthew A. Grawe, Jonathan J. Makela, Mark D. Butala, Farzad Kamalabadi, "The impact of magnetic field temporal sampling on modeled surface electric fields", Space Weather, 2018.
  • Farzad Kamalabadi, Jianqi Qin, Brian Harding, Dimitrios Iliou, Jonathan J. Makela, R. R. Meier, Scott L. England, Harald U. Frey, Stephen B. Mende, Thomas J. Immel, "Inferring Nighttime Ionospheric Parameters With the Far Ultraviolet Imager Onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer", Space Science Reviews, Vol. 214, Issue 4, 2018.
  • TJ Immel, SL England, SB Mende, RA Heelis, CR Englert, J Edelstein, HU Frey, EJ Korpela, ER Taylor, WW Craig, SE Harris, M Bester, GS Bust, G Crowley, JM Forbes, J-C Gérard, JM Harlander, JD Huba, Benoît Hubert, F Kamalabadi, JJ Makela, AI Maute, RR Meier, C Raftery, Pierre Rochus, OHW Siegmund, AW Stephan, GR Swenson, S Frey, DL Hysell, A Saito, KA Rider, MM Sirk, "The Ionospheric Connection Explorer mission: mission goals and design", Space Science Reviews, Vol. 214, Issue 1, 2018.
  • Mark D. Butala, Maryam Kazerooni, Jonathan J. Makela, Farzad Kamalabadi, Jennifer L. Gannon, Hao Zhu, and Thomas J. Overbye, "Modeling Geomagnetically Induced Currents from Magnetometer Measurements: Spatial Scale Assessed with Ground Truth", Space Weather, 2017.
  • Jianqi Qin, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Jonathan J. Makela, "Quantifying the inversion accuracy of simplified physical models for the nighttime OI 135.6 nm emission", Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, 121, 2016.
  • Jianqi Qin, Jonathan J. Makela, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Robert R. Meier, "Radiative transfer modeling of the OI 135.6 nm emission in the nighttime ionosphere", Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, 120, 2015.
  • Cagdas Tuna, Douglas Jones, Farzad Kamalabadi, "Tactile soft-sparse mean fluid-flow imaging with a robotic whisker array", Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 2015.
  • Figen S. Oktem, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Joseph M. Davila, "A Parametric Estimation Approach to Instantaneous Spectral Imaging", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume: 23, Issue: 12, 2014.
  • R. Nikoukar, F. Kamalabadi, E. Kudeki, and M. Sulzer, "On resolution/error trade-offs in incoherent scatter radar measurements", Radio Science, 47, RS1008, doi:10.1029/2011RS004685, 2012.
  • Russell J. Hewett, Michael T. Heath, Mark D. Butala, and Farzad Kamalabadi, "A Robust Null Space Method for Linear Equality Constrained State Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume: 58, Issue: 8, 2010.
  • M. D. Butala, R. J. Hewett, R. A. Frazin, F. Kamalabadi,"Dynamic Three Dimensional Tomography of the Solar Corona", Solar Physics, DOI 10.1007/s11207-010-9536-1, March, 2010.
  • Farzad Kamalabadi, "Multidimensional Image Reconstruction in Astronomy [A unified approach based on regularization and state estimation concepts]", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume: 27, Issue: 1, Pages: 86-96, January, 2010.
  • Serge Minin and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Uncertainties in extracted parameters of a Gaussian emission line profile with continuum background", Applied Optics, Volume: 48, Issue: 36, Pages: 6913-6922, December 2009.
  • Richard A. Frazin, Alberto M. Vasquez, and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Quantitative, Three-Dimensional Analysis of the Global Corona with Multi-Spacecraft Differential Emission Measure Tomography", Astrophysical Journal, 699, 2009.
  • D. Scott Anderson, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Gary Swenson, "Estimation of Three-Dimensional Atmospheric Wave Parameters from Ground-Based Spectroscopic Airglow Image Data", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, Issue: 8, August 2009.
  • Mark D. Butala, Richard A. Frazin, Yuguo Chen, Farzad Kamalabadi, “Tomographic Imaging of Dynamic Objects With the Ensemble Kalman Filter”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 7, July 2009.
  • F. Kamalabadi, J. M. Comberiate, M. J. Taylor, and P.-D. Pautet, "Estimation of electron densities in the lower thermosphere from GUVI 135.6 nm tomographic inversions in support of SpreadFEx", Annales Geophysicae, 27, 2439–2448, June 2009.
  • Alberto M. Vasquez, Richard A. Frazin, and Farzad Kamalabadi, “3D Temperatures and Densities of the Solar Corona Via Multi-Spacecraft EUV Tomography: Analysis of Prominence Cavities”, Solar Physics, DOI 10.1007/s11207-009-9321-1, 2009.
  • J.K. Lee and Farzad Kamalabadi, “GPS-based radio tomography with edge-preserving regularization”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, Issue 1, January 2009.
  • I. C. Atkinson, F. Kamalabadi, D. L. Jones, and K. R. Thulborn. “Blind Estimation for Localized Low Contrast-to-Noise Ratio BOLD Signals”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing: fMRI Analysis for Human Brain Mapping, Vol. 2, Issue 6, December 2008.
  • Ian Atkinson and Farzad Kamalabadi, “Transform-Domain Penalized-Likelihood Filtering of Tomographic Data”, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 18, Issue 5-6, December, 2008.
  • Fritts, D. C., Vadas, S. L., Riggin, D. M., Abdu, M. A., Batista, I. S., Takahashi, H., Medeiros, A., Kamalabadi, F., Liu, H.-L., Fejer, B. G., and Taylor, M. J., “Gravity wave and tidal influences on equatorial spread F based on observations during the Spread F Experiment (Spread- FEx)”, Annales Geophysicae, 26, 3235-3252, 2008.
  • Mark D. Butala, Farzad Kamalabadi, Richard A. Frazin, and Yuguo Chen, “Dynamic Tomographic Imaging of the Solar Corona”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing: Signal Processing for Astronomical and Space Research Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 5, October 2008.
  • R. Nikoukar, F. Kamalabadi, E. Kudeki, M. Sulzer, "An efficient near-optimal approach to incoherent scatter radar parameter estimation", Radio Science, 43, RS5007, 2008.
  • Ian Atkinson and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Basis Selection for Wavelet Processing of Sparse Signals", Signal Processing, Vol. 88, Issue 9, 2008.
  • Alberto M. Vasquez, Richard A. Frazin, Keiji Hayashi, Igor V. Sokolov, Ofer Cohen, Ward B. Manchester IV, and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Validation of Two MHD Models of the Solar Corona with Rotational Tomography", Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 682 Issue: 2, Pages: 1328- 1337, August 2008.
  • Lee, J., F. Kamalabadi, and J. J. Makela, "Three-dimensional tomography of ionospheric variability using a dense GPS receiver array", Radio Science, doi:10.1029/2007RS003716, Vol. 43, 2008.
  • D. Scott Anderson, Gary Swenson, Farzad Kamalabadi, Alan Liu, "Tomographic Imaging of Airglow from Airborne Spectroscopic Measurements", Applied Optics, Vol. 47, No. 13, 2008.
  • Behzad Sharif and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Optimal Sensor Array Configuration in Remote Image Formation", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 17, No.2, 2008.
  • Richard Frazin, Alberto Vasquez, Farzad Kamalabadi, and Hyesun Park, "Three-Dimensional Tomographic Analysis of a High-Cadence LASCO-C2 Polarized Brightness Sequence", Astrophysical Journal Letters, 671:2, L201-L204, December, 2007.
  • Romina Nikoukar, Gary R. Swenson, Alan Z. Liu, Farzad Kamalabadi, “On the variability of mesospheric OH emission profiles", Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Volume: 112, Article Number: D19109, October, 2007.
  • J.K. Lee , F. Kamalabadi, J.J. Makela , "Localized three-dimensional ionospheric tomography with GPS ground receiver measurements"‚ Radio Science, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2007.
  • Joseph Comberiate, Farzad Kamalabadi, Larry J. Paxton, “A Tomographic Model for Ionospheric Imaging With the Global Ultraviolet Imager”, Radio Science, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2007.
  • O. Cohen, I.V. Sokolov, I.I. Roussev, C.N. Arge, W.B. Manchester, T.I. Gombosi, R.A. Frazin, H. Park , M.D. Butala, F. Kamalabadi, M. Velli, "A semiempirical magnetohydrodynamical model of the solar wind", Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 654, No. 2, pp. L163-L166, 2007.
  • Waldrop, L.S., E. Kudeki, S.A. Gonzalez, M.P. Sulzer, R. Garcia, M. Butala, and F. Kamalabadi, “Derivation of neutral oxygen density under charge exchange in the mid-latitude topside ionosphere”, Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, Vol. 111, No. A11, 2006.
  • Joseph Comberiate, Farzad Kamalabadi, Larry J. Paxton, “Tomographic Imaging of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, No. 15, 2006.
  • Roberto Lavarello, Farzad Kamalabadi, and William D. OBrien, Jr., “A regularized inverse approach to ultrasonic pulse-echo imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2006.
  • Ian Atkinson, Farzad Kamalabadi, Satish Mohan, and Douglas Jones, "Asymptotically Optimal Blind Estimation of Multichannel Images", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2006.
  • R. A. Frazin, M. D. Butala, A. Kemball, and F. Kamalabadi, “Time-Dependent Reconstruction of Nonstationary Objects With Tomographic or Interferometric Measurements”, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 635, No. 2, pp. L197-L200, December 2005.
  • M.D. Butala, R.A. Frazin, F. Kamalabadi, "Three-Dimensional Estimates of the Coronal Electron Density at Times of Extreme Solar Activity", Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, Vol. 110, 2005.
  • Richard Frazin and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Rotational Tomography for 3D Reconstruction of the White-Light and EUV Corona in the Post-SOHO Era", Solar Physics, Vol. 228, pp. 221-239, 2005.
  • Tyler Ralston, Daniel L. Marks, Farzad Kamalabadi, Stephen A. Boppart, "Deconvolution Methods for Mitigation of Transverse Blurring in Optical Coherence Tomography", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2005.
  • L.S. Waldrop, R.B. Kerr, S.A. Gonzalez, M.P. Sulzer, J. Noto, E. Kudeki, F. Kamalabadi, "Generation of Metastable Helium and the 1083 nm Emission in the Upper Thermosphere", Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, Vol. 110, No. A08304, August 2005.
  • R.A. Frazin, F. Kamalabadi, M.A. Weber, "On the Combination of Differential Emission Measure Analysis and Rotational Tomography for Solar EUV Imaging", Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 628, No. 2, pp. 1070-1080, August 2005.
  • R.A. Frazin, F. Kamalabadi, "On the use of total brightness measurements for tomography of the solar corona", Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 628, No. 2, pp. 1061-1069, August 2005.
  • Jing Tang, Steven J. Franke, Farzad Kamalabadi, Gary R. Swenson, “Motion Extraction of Atmospheric Waves from Spectroscopic Imaging”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 229-232, April, 2005.
  • Joshua Semeter and Farzad Kamalabadi, "Determination of Primary Electron Spectra From Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements of the Auroal E-Region", Radio Science, Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2005.
  • Chenyang Xu, Farzad Kamalabadi, Stephen A. Boppart, "Comparative performance analysis of time-frequency distributions for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography", Applied Optics, Vol. 44, April 2005.
  • J. Tang, G.R. Swenson, A.Z. Liu, and F. Kamalabadi, "Observational investigations of gravity wave momentum flux with spectroscopic imaging", Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, Vol. 110, No. D9, March 2005.
  • J. Tang, F. Kamalabadi, S. J. Franke, A. Z. Liu, and G. R. Swenson, "Estimation of gravity wave momentum flux with spectroscopic imaging", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 43, No. 1, January 2005.
  • Michael C. Kelley, Jonathan J. Makela, Larry J. Paxton, Farzad Kamalabadi, Joseph M. Comberiate, and Hyosub Kil, "The First Coordinated Ground- and Space-Based Optical Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles", Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 30, No. 14, 2003. (Featured cover article)
  • J. Tang, F. Kamalabadi, L. G. Rumsey, and G. R. Swenson, "Point-Source Suppression for Atmospheric Wave Extraction from Airglow Imaging Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 41, No. 1, pp. 146-152, January 2003.
  • F. Kamalabadi, G. Bust, K. Dymond, S. Gonzalez, P. Bernhardt, S. Chakrabarti, D. Cotton, A. Stephan, R. McCoy, S. Budzien, and S. Thonnard, "Tomographic Studies of Aeronomic Phenomena Using Radio and UV Techniques", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 64, No. 12, pp. 1573-1580, 2002.
  • F. Kamalabadi, W. C. Karl, J. L. Semeter, D. M. Cotton, T. A. Cook and S. Chakrabarti, "A statistical framework for space-based EUV ionospheric tomography," Radio Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 437-447, 1999.
  • P. A. Bernhardt, R. P. McCoy, K. F. Dymond, J. M. Picone, R. R. Meier, F. Kamalabadi, D. M. Cotton, S. Chakrabarti, T. A. Cook, J. S. Vickers, A. W. Stephan, L. Kersley, S. E. Pryse, I. K. Walker, J. A. T. Heaton, C. N. Mitchell, P. R. Straus, H. Na, C. Biswas, G. S. Bust, G. R. Kronschnabl and T. D. Raymund, "Two dimensional mapping of the plasma density in the upper atmosphere with computerized ionospheric tomography (CIT)", Physics of Plasmas (invited), Vol. 5, No. 5, May 1998.
  • F. Kamalabadi, J. M. Forbes, N. A. Makarov, and Y. I. Portnyagin, "Evidence for nonlinear coupling of planetary waves and tides in the Antarctic mesopause", Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres, Vol. 102, No. D4, pp. 4437-4446, 1997.
  • J. M. Forbes, F. A. Marcos, and F. Kamalabadi, "Wave structures in lower thermosphere density from Satellite Electrostatic Triaxial Accelerometer (SETA) measurements", Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, Vol. 100, No. A8, pp. 14693-14702, 1995.
  • H. F. Parish, J. M. Forbes and F. Kamalabadi, "Planetary wave and solar emission signatures in the equatorial electrojet", Journal of Geophysical Research–Space Physics, Vol. 99, No. A1, pp. 355-368, 1994.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Journal Editorships

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2013-2017
  • Guest Editor, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2009

Teaching Honors

  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2015
  • Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising, UIUC, 2004

Research Honors

  • NASA Group Achievement Award: "For exceptional performance in the development and delivery of the successful ICON Explorer mission", 2020
  • Center for Advanced Study Associate, UIUC, 2015-2016
  • Invited Participant, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative on Imaging Science, 2010
  • Keynote Speaker, Astronomical Data Analysis Conference, 2010
  • Invited Visiting Professor, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2009
  • Xerox Award for Outstanding Faculty Research, UIUC College of Engineering, 2006
  • NASA Faculty Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2003
  • National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, 2002-2007

Public Service Honors

  • Selected to NASA Heliophysics Advisory Committee, 2023
  • Member, NASA Heliophysics Senior Review, 2015
  • Elected Member, Leadership Council of NSF EarthCube, 2014-2017; Interim Co-Chair , 2015
  • Member, NASA Living With a Star Targeted Research and Technology Steering Committee, 2010-2014
  • NSF Director's Award for Collaborative Integration, 2011
  • Program Director, NSF, 2010-2011
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Arecibo Observatory, 2007-2009
  • Member, NSF Advisory Committee of Visitors, 2005
  • Member, NSF CEDAR Science Steering Committee, 2004-2006; 2012-2016

Recent Courses Taught

  • ECE 310 - Digital Signal Processing
  • ECE 311 - Digital Signal Processing Lab
  • ECE 364 - Programming Methods for ML
  • ECE 490 (CSE 441) - Introduction to Optimization
  • ECE 544 NA - Pattern Recognition
  • ECE 551 - Digital Signal Processing II
  • ECE 558 - Digital Imaging