CSL PhD Thesis Award

CSL seeks to leverage excellence in disciplinary research to have a societal impact through interdisciplinary solutions that address major societal problems. The CSL PhD Thesis award is bestowed annually to a researcher whose PhD thesis makes advances in a disciplinary area that has an interdisciplinary angle.


PhD Winner Year Thesis Title
Brian Doolittle 2024 Pushing Boundaries: From foundations in quantum physics to applications in quantum networking
Jin Won Kim 2023 Duality for Nonlinear Filtering
Kaiqing Zhang 2022 Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Agent and Robust Control Systems: Towards Large-scale and Reliable Autonomy
Yoga Varatharajah 2021 Domain-guided Machine Learning for Health Analytics: The Case for Neurological Diseases
Chuchu Fan 2020 Verification and Synthesis Algorithms for Safe Autonomy
Nirupam Roy 2019 Acoustics in the Age of IoT: Challenges, Opportunities, and Threats
Mingu Kang 2018 Deep in Memory Computing
Qiaomin Xie 2017 Resource Allocation in Datacenter Networks: Novel Algorithms, State Space Collapse and Delay Minimization
Seyed Rasoul Etesami 2016 Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Hegselmann-Krause Model for Opinion Dynamics in Finite Dimensions
PhD Honorable Mention Year Thesis Title
Raymond Yeh 2022 Extracting and Learning Structures from Data