Nickvash Kani

Nickvash Kani
Nickvash Kani
Research Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
265 Coordinated Science Lab

For More Information


  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology; 2017
  • M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology; 2013
  • B.S. in Computer Engineering; Boston University; 2010

Academic Positions

  • Research Assistant Professor; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Electrical and Computer Engineering; October 2019 - July 2023

Research Interests

  • Mathematical Language Processing
  • Data retrieval systems
  • Scientific Computing

Research Areas

  • Computer Systems and Architecture

Selected Articles in Journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Teaching Honors

  • George Anner Excellence in Undergrad Teaching Award (09/2023)

Research Honors

  • 1st Place - NL4Opt-Task2 challenge at NIPS 2022 (12/2022)

Recent Courses Taught

  • CS 374 AL1 (CS 374 BL1, CS 374 BYA, CS 374 BYB, CS 374 BYC, CS 374 BYD, CS 374 BYE, CS 374 BYF, CS 374 CSP, CS 374 OL1, ECE 374 AL1, ECE 374 BL1, ECE 374 BLZ, ECE 374 BYA, ECE 374 BYB, ECE 374 BYC, ECE 374 BYD, ECE 374 BYE, ECE 374 BYF, ECE 374 CSP, ECE 374 OL1, ECE 374 ZJ1, ECE 374 ZJU) - Intro to Algs & Models of Comp
  • ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits