Srinivasa M Salapaka
For More Information
- Ph.D. Mech. Eng. University of California, Santa Barbara 2002
- M.S. Mech. Eng. University of California, Santa Barbara 1997
- B.Tech Mech. Eng. Indian Institute of Technology 1995
Srinivasa M. Salapaka received the B.Tech. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology at Chennai in 1995, the M.S. and the Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Santa Barbara, U.S.A in 1997 and 2002, respectively. During 2002-2004, he was a postdoctoral associate in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. Since January 2004, he has been a Faculty Member in Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. He got the NSF CAREER award in the year 2005. He is an ASME fellow since 2015. His areas of current research interest include controls for nano/bio technology, combinatorial optimization, Brownian ratchets, dynamic-systems analysis of numerical algorithms, and control of power systems.
Academic Positions
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2017-date
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2010-2017
- Member of Coordinated Science Laboratory (0%), August 16, 2007-date
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, Jan. 1, 2004-2010
- Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer 2002 - Fall 2003
Other Professional Employment
- Research/Teaching Assistant, University of California, Santa Barbara, Spring 1995 - 2002
Research Statement
Professor Salapaka's research can be broadly divided into three areas - (I) one area is nano-biotechnology, where emphasis is on developing frameworks for modeling and analyzing systems at nanoscales, and, developing new instrumentation and methodologies for nano-investigation and nano-manipulation. In particular, his group has made significant contributions in modeling, analysis, and control, thereby enhancing and engendering new capabilities for precision positioning and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). He is leveraging the resulting control systems and instrumentation expertise toward scientific studies, especially studying intracellular protein (e.g. Kinesin and Dynein) motion. (II) Another broad area of his research is classification, clustering, and aggregation of large data sets, where he is developing frameworks for designing algorithms to efficiently solve the underlying combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, his research group is making significant contributions to drug-selection problems in combinatorial drug discovery, dynamic coverage problems in sensor networks, and coverage-cum-routing problems in flexible communication and transportation networks, dynamic network-reduction problems in neuroscience, and model reduction of large parametric models, aggregation of weighted directed graphs and Markov chains. Related optimization problems have non convex cost functions that are riddled with multiple local minima, and are proved to be computationally complex (NP-hard). (III) More recently he is working on power systems and control , where he is applying modern systems techniques for developing control of power-grid/ power electronics technologies. This research aims in comprehensive technology for developing and implementing smart-grid technologies capable of harnessing much more power from renewable (though) uncertain power sources while guaranteeing grid stability and satisfying economic power sharing constraints.
Research Areas
- Decision and Control
Selected Articles in Journals
- Patel,S., S. Chakraborty, B. Lundstrom, S. Salapaka, and M.V. Salapaka, "Isochronous Architecture-Based Voltage-Active Power Droop for Multi-Inverter Systems", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 12(2), pp.1088-1103.
- Sundar, Sreenath, Manjunath C.Rajagopal, Hanyang Zhao Gowtham Kuntumalla, Yuquan Meng, Ho Chan Chang, Chenhui Shao, Placid Ferreira, Nenad Miljkovic, Sanjiv Sinha, Srinivasa Salapaka"Fouling Modeling and Prediction Approach for Heat Exchangers using Deep-Learning" International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Volume 159, October 2020, 120112
- Srivastava, Amber and Salapaka, S.M. Simultaneous Facility Location and Path Optimization in Static and Dynamic Networks. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. PP. 1-1, 2020, 10.1109/TCNS.2020.2995831.
- Dancholvichit, N., S.G. Kapoor , and S. Salapaka, "Temperature Regulation for Thermoplastic Micro-forming of Bulk Metallic Glass: Robust Control Design using Buck Converter," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 56, 1294-1303, 2020.
- Mashrafi, Sheikh T., Junjing Deng, Curt Preissner, and Srinivasa M. Salapaka. "Optimal Control for X-Ray Microscopes." IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 25, no. 2 (2020): 627-637.
- Baranwal, M. and S. Salapaka, "Clustering and Supervisory Voltage Control in Power Systems", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 109 (2019): 641-651, 2019
- Baranwal, M., Askarian, A., Salapaka, S.M. and Salapaka, M.V., Distributed Architecture for Robust and Optimal Control of DC Microgrids. IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66.4, 3082-3092, 2019
- Baranwal, M., R. Gorugantu, and S. Salapaka, "Robust Atomic Force Microscopy using Multiple Sensors," Review of Scientific Instruments,87(8), p.083704, 2016.
- Baranwal, M., R. S. Gorugantu, and S. M. Salapaka. "Fast and robust control of nanopositioning systems: Performance limits enabled by field programmable analog arrays," Review of Scientific Instruments 86, no. 8, 085004, 2015.
- Roychowdhury, S., G.Saraswat, S.Salapaka, and M.Salapaka. "On control of transport in Brownian ratchet mechanisms," Journal of Process Control 27 (2015): 76-86.
- Xu, Y., S. Salapaka, and C. Beck, "Aggregation of Graph Models and Markov Chains by Deterministic Annealing," The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 59(10), 2807-2812, October 2014.
- Sarwar, A., P.G. Voulgaris, and S. Salapaka, “Adaptive Control of Spatially Invariant Systems: A Slowly Varying Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,59(6), 1635-1639, June 2014.
- Xu, Y., S. Salapaka, and C. Beck, "Clustering and Coverage Control for Systems With Acceleration-Driven Dynamics," The IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1342-1347, 59(5), May 2014.
- Zhang,X., B. Koo, S. Salapaka, J. Dong*, and P. Ferreira,"Robust Control of a MEMS Probing Device" IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol 19(1), 100-108, February 2014.
- Roychowdhury, S., T. Aggarwal, S. Salapaka, and M. Salapaka, "High bandwidth optical force clamp for investigation of molecular motor motion," Applied Physics Letters 103, 153703 (2013).
- Sarwar,A, P.G. Voulgaris, S. Salapaka, “Identification of Spatiotemporally Invariant Systems for Control Adaptation,” Automatica 48, 2079-2092, 2012
- Sharma, P., S. Salapaka, and C. Beck, "Entropy-based Framework for Dynamic Coverage and Clustering Problems," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol 57, No. 1, 135-150, January 2012.
- Koo B., X. Zhang, J. Dong, S. Salapaka, and P. Ferreira, “A 2 Degree-of-Freedom SOI-MEMS Translation Stage with Closed Loop Positioning”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 21, no. 1, 13-22, February 2012
- Sarwar, A., P. G. Voulgaris, and S. Salapaka, "On l∞ Stability and Performance of Spatiotemporally Varying Systems," Int. J. Robust. Nonlinear Control, Vol 21, 957-973, 2011.
- Lee,C. and S. Salapaka, "Fast Imaging with Alternative Signal for Dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy," Applied Physics Letters, 97, 133101, September 2010.
- Hur,P., B. A. Duiser, S. Salapaka, and E. T. Hsiao-Wecksler,“Measuring Robustness of the Postural Control System to an Impulsive Perturbation,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering,Vol. 18 No. 14, 461-467, August 2010
- Helfrich, B. E., C. Lee, D. A. Bristow, X. H. Xiao, J. Dong, A. G. Alleyne, S. M. Salapaka, and P. M. Ferreira, “Combined H∞-Feedback Control and Iterative Learning Control Design with Application to Nanopositioning Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 18(2), 336-351, 2010.
- Lee, C. and S. Salapaka, “Fast Robust Nanopositioning - A Linear Matrix Inequalities Based Optimal Control Approach,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 14:4, 414-422, August 2009.
- Lee, C. and S. Salapaka, “Robust Broadband Nanopositioning: Fundamental Tradeoffs, Analysis and Design in Two Degree of Freedom Control Framework,” Nanotechnology, 20, 035501, 2009.
- Salapaka, S. and M. V. Salapaka, “Scanning Probe Microscopy – A Controls Systems Perspective on Nanointerrogation,”IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 65-83, April 2008.
- Dong, J., S. Salapaka, and P. Ferreira, “Robust Control of a Parallel Kinematic Nano-Positioner,” ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol 130, 041007(1-15), July 2008.
- Sharma, P., S. Salapaka, and C. Beck, “A Scalable Approach to Combinatorial Library Design for Drug Discovery,” Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 48, 27-41, 2008.
- Bristow, D., J. Dong, A. Alleyne, P. Ferreia, and S. Salapaka, “High Bandwidth Control of Precision Motion Instrumentation,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 79, 103704, 2008.
- Shegaonkar, A. C. and S. M. Salapaka, “Making High Resolution Positioning Independent of Scan Rates: a Feedback Approach,” Applied Physics Letters, 91:20, Art No. 203513, 2007.
- Shegaonkar A. C. and S. M. Salapaka, “Feedback Based Simulations Correction of Imaging Artifacts due to Geometrical and Mechanical Cross-talk and Tip-Sample Stick in Atomic Force Microscopy,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 78:10, Art No. 103706, 2007.
- Salapaka, S. and A. Peirce, “Analysis of a Novel Preconditioner for a Class of p-level Lower Rank Extracted Systems,” Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 12, 437-472, 2006.
- Salapaka, S., T. De, and A. Sebastian, “A Robust Control Based Solution to the Sample-profile Estimation Problem in Fast Atomic Force Microscopy,” International Journal for Robust and Nonlinear Control, 15:16, 821-837, Nov. 2005.
- Sebastian, A. and S. Salapaka, “Design Methodologies for Robust Nano-positioning,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 13:6, 868-876, Nov. 2005.
- Salapaka, S., T. De, and A. Sebastian, “Sample-profile Estimate for Fast Atomic Force Microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters, 87:053112, 1-3, August 2005. This paper was also selected for the August 8, 2005 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology at
- Salapaka, S., A. Sebastian, J. P. Cleveland, and M. V. Salapaka, “High Bandwidth Nano-Positioner: A Robust Control Approach,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 73:9, 3232-3241, 2002 (This paper was selected for the September 2, 2002 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology at
- Salapaka, S., M. Dahleh, and I. Mezic, On the Dynamics of a Harmonic Oscillator Undergoing Impacts with a Vibrating Platform, Nonlinear Dynamics, 24, 333-358, 2001.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- Dancholvichit, N., S.G. Kapoor , and S. Salapaka, "Temperature Regulation for Thermoplastic Micro-forming of Bulk Metallic Glass: Robust Control Design using Buck Converter," under review in North American Manufacturing Research Conference, June 22-26, 2020, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH
- Srivastava, Amber, Mayank Baranwal, and Srinivasa Salapaka. "On the persistence of clustering solutions and true number of clusters in a dataset." In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 33, no. 01, pp. 5000-5007. 2019.
Professional Societies
- Member, ASME International, 2004-date
- Member, IEEE, 2003-date
Teaching Honors
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students, Spring 2019
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students, Fall 2018
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students, Fall 2016
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students, Spring 2016
Research Honors
- Plenary/Keynote Speaker in 28th International Conference and Expo on Nanoscience and Technology, lecture titled "Micro/Nanoscale Research: A Control Systems Viewpoint", Barcelona, Spain, November 26, 2018.
- Plenary Speaker at the International Conference in Nonlinear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace (ICNPAA) lecture titled "Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Networks: A Maximum-Entropy-Principle Based Framework", July 03, 2018.
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2005
Other Honors
- ASME Fellow (April, 2015)
- Engineering Council for Excellence in Advising (April, 2013)
Recent Courses Taught
- ECE 515 (ME 540) - Control System Theory & Design
- ME 340 - Dynamics of Mechanical Systems
- ME 360 AL1 (ME 360 AL2, ME 360 OL1) - Signal Processing
- ME 460 - Industrial Control Systems
- TAM 212 - Introductory Dynamics