Infographic: Changing the Future of Cognitive Computing with C3SR

6/22/2018 Stephany Guerrero, Coordinated Science Lab

Written by Stephany Guerrero, Coordinated Science Lab

Infographic: IBM is in partnership with CSL and Illinois research group - The Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research (C3SR). Together, they are working on solutions that will help accelerate innovation in the world of cognitive computing. At its core, a cognitive computing system helps people to be more productive. It is AI that has been transformed into a business solution by harnessing the power of massive data sets.

Check how their holistic work across 3 crucial layers of hardware and software are working in unison to change the future of AI! Click each photo for a high-res pop-out.

Part One
Part One
Part Two
Part Two
Part Three
Part Three


Learn more about C3SR in this news story and learn more about summer interns from C3SR sent over to IBM in our Facebook album.

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This story was published June 22, 2018.